Friday, November 13, 2015

In Response to Abigail Clark's "Bernie Sanders for President?"

I've seen the potential presidential candidates for the 2016 race and I can say with confidence that I'm not too impressed, even with the liberals' side. This time around, the candidates fall on two extremes: the conservatives are too uptight and the liberals are too loose. However, this article written by my classmate/colleague Abigail Clark about her support of Bernie Sanders actually did a great job of swaying me to side with Sanders in the upcoming election.

I really do support Sanders and his ideas, I just feel that he's way too genuine for the field of politics he's entering. Politics is nothing but a huge game of strategy, and I can't see his sobering personality swaying the politicians that run the behind-the-scenes of the election. I actually didn't know that Sanders wanted to make public college free prior to reading Abigail's article, and I think that's amazing and needs to happen. But in reality, will current politicians and other one-percenters really let themselves be subjected to higher taxes for the sake of sending some middle-class millennials to school? Sanders' target demographic are exactly the people that don't show up to vote which is really worrying, and maybe if Sanders is lucky enough to win the Primary and be the democratic candidate in the 2016 race, people will change their minds and go vote for him. Because I truly agree with Abigial when she says that Sanders is the president we need right now, but I just don't think that the electoral college will feel the same way. Especially when Sanders' policies directly attack and affect the people in the highest powers in the government.

If Sanders makes it through the Primary I will be beyond shocked but I will also be overjoyed. Because if Sanders can make it as the democratic nominee, then there's a sliver of a chance that he'll be able to pull through as president. I just hope the electoral college makes the right decision when it comes down to it on election night.

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