Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Celebri-Tea Party

A couple days ago, I was browsing the front page of YouTube when I saw the thumbnail for a clip of Donald Trump on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. I didn't watch the clip, but I thought to myself, if Donald Trump is running for president, why didn't Arnold Schwarzenegger ever decide to run? He was the governor of California, so he's allowed to join in. I guess someone was thinking along the same plane as me, because when I was browsing articles for this blog assignment, I happened across an article of someone comparing Trump and Schwarzenegger and their political appeal. "Trump and Schwarzenegger: A Political Comparison" by Los Angeles Times writer Seema Mehta isn't exactly a persuasive piece; instead it's a great examination of the celebrity effect on politicians. The writer compares the two politicians to each other and breaks down the various components of each of their campaigns. It also kind of gets you thinking about how weird it is that these really famous and prominent entertainment figures have the ability to run for office if they really want to. Remember Ronald Reagan? That guy was an actor before taking office. Additionally, if Donald Trump wins the presidency (*shudders profusely*) will this set a trend or have an effect on future- potentially celebrity- candidates? If you ask me, it sounds like something out of a weird, parallel-universe dystopia novel. Overall, this article is a really fun, quick read- plus the opening line of the article is pretty great.

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