Friday, October 2, 2015

President? More Like Presi-DON'T: A Look Into Donald Trump's Vision for America

While speaking briefly about the upcoming election on his podcast, YouTube personality Tyler Oakley made a simple remark about Donald Trump's potential presidency that really stuck with me: "It's a joke until it's not." For the longest time, I was positively tickled by the fact that this man was actually planning on running for president. But now that it looks like he has a more than decent shot of becoming the Republican candidate in the 2016 elections, I am nothing short of truly frightened.

This really great article titled "GOP Can't Shed Itself of Racist Appeals" written by Derrick Z. Jackson of the Boston Globe argues that Donald Trump and the rest of the GOP using racism and hatred to lead their party is a very, very bad thing for America to be supporting. While there are many problems circling the GOP, this article specifically discusses racism and the blatant fashion in which the party boasts about its support of it. Throughout the article, he touches on the fact that yes, he disagrees with the conservative party, but also that their campaign methods are horrendously outdated and obviously discriminative. He includes plenty of links and sources to other articles within the piece, and these other sources really propel his argument for the better. Especially since I could hardly believe half of the quotes that Jackson paraphrased- the links provided factual evidence of some of the shocking things said by Trump (the specific point of how the GOP would like to maintain a "whitewashed America" and aren't shy about expressing that fact was news to me personally and also extremely unnerving).

From my perspective, I can't be one hundred percent certain of who the specific audience of this piece is. Of course it's for liberals, but I also feel that this piece, while remaining argumentative throughout, also doubles as an informative piece for people who aren't in the know with Trump's shenanigans. And since it's an argumentative article, it could be directed towards the GOP as a call-out to their behavior and actions.  Additionally, the reporter himself is quite credible: he is a "9 time winner from the National Association of Black Journalists" and a "2-time winner of opinion awards from the Education Writers Association." Not only does the liberal appeal of the article get me interested in the story, but the fact that the journalist has had previous work recognized is equally appealing. I'd love to see more stories like this one emerge as we get closer to the elections.

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